Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Newly painted rooms

This weekend I went to FL to paint a couple of rooms for FRANNIE'S. They were really fun rooms to paint...I painted a baby's room with the cutest theme EVER! It was from Pottery Barn and it was pink (for a girl of course!) and had cute little monkeys on the design. So, I gathered  a couple of ideas from the new mom and the design and painted what you see in the first couple of pictures! I even added bling...not sure if you can see that or not, but it added a lot to the mural! It was awesome because it sparkled! The other room I painted was a bathroom with a sea theme. It turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself! It was actually the first room where I took someone with me to help. My brother went along and his help was greatly appreciated! It would have taken me a lot longer if he hadn't been with me!

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