Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Catching up on the past month!

Holy cow! I cannot believe a whole month has gotten away from me since I last blogged! We have been so busy that I put it by the wayside and if there is ANYONE out there that actually keeps UP with our blog...I sincerely apologize! We have had a great month though and unfortunately, there are just TOOOO many pictures to share! I ended up spending 2 whole weeks in Arizona for work (and a little play of course)! I had an amazing time and it was the perfect balance of work and play. God showed His faithfulness too...I went out there with FOUR rooms to paint on my schedule and I ended up painting NINE! It was awesome! Jeremy joined me after about a week and a half and we had a much needed weekend together. Oddly enough it was our FIRST weekend away (out-of-state/vacation) since being married and without a LITTLE ONE! We have really enjoyed having Nate live with us but we definitely cherished the time we had as a couple since we basically became instant parents right after we got hitched. We often get away for date nights but it is even more special when you get to be out of town in another place together. BUT, now we are back to life and getting back into the routine of things. If you have Facebook you can see all of the rooms that I painted and other fun things. And, if you don't...well then I suggest you GET a Facebook profile! :) However, here are just a few pictures that I WILL post. We got some pictures taken at Target for Nate's TWO year old pictures (he is growing so fast)!!! Enjoy, and love to  you all!