Monday, December 31, 2012

 Our annual holiday lights limo ride through KC!

 Looking for the 1st REAL Dulin Family Christmas Tree!!!

Xander did not care to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas! Of course, big brother did. He told THIS Santa that he wanted a HORSE. Really?? He saw several Santas over the Christmas season and this was just one of MANY different things he told Santa. I told him that he was confusing the old man. 

As I sit here, 2013 is just hours away. Why on earth does every year have to go by faster and faster?! Looking back on the year though, we have been truly blessed and we remember all of the great memories this year brought us. 

Jeremy and I both come from small immediate families (him and I each have one brother) but we have such a big extended family through Nate and Xander's birth families. So, instead of celebrating Christmas once, our boys got 4 different Christmases! Can we say spoiled???!!!!! haha! No doubt they are LOVED. Thank you to all of our family members who loved on our boys this Christmas season. 

We may receive physical gifts over Christmas but we are soo very thankful of the eternal gift that we have received through our Lord Jesus Christ. God sent HIS one and only Son FOR US so that we could be saved and spend eternity with Him one day. We are so grateful for this incredible gift and as I look at my children, I am in awe of the sweet gift of a baby boy. 

I was not able to get all of our Christmas cards out this year so if you did not receive one, please do not take it personally! We had a hectic few weeks with travel, sickness and family obligations and are now excited to relax and ring in the New Year. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season and many blessings to you and your family in 2013! 
Please keep in touch!

Love, The Dulin Family :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

 At the Pumpkin Patch with the Boston Family.
This is Xander and Journey. 
This picture cracks me up because the sun was in Xander's eyes but it looks
like he is saying, 
"Ewww, cooties!" 

 At the Faulkner Pumpkin Patch...on the hayride! So fun!

 The boys are getting so big and so....TALL! 
Crazy to think about how tall they will be next year!

Our 'SUPER' family! Me and my Super Hero boys on Halloween!!!

Today we got family Christmas pictures taken and it reminded me that the year will be over before we know it! It seems like every year goes by faster and faster. Nate is 5 and Xander is 17 months and even though I get frustrated at times (including this particular moment when Nate is tapping on my arm and computer because I told him to wait a minute) I feel incredibly blessed and SUPER lucky. Xander's Great-Grandpa made the comment today that, "These are the happiest times of our lives," and I would have to agree. So, I will do my best to cherish each moment even in the
midst of the busyness of life!

Before long I will be putting together our annual Christmas letter. It is so hard to believe that we are in the midst of the holiday season again! So, until then, have a blessed week!

Friday, October 26, 2012

HOW IS IT ALREADY OCTOBER ALREADY!!??? I have been such a slacker and have so much to blog about...Xander's sweet little curls that now engulf his head, my second trip to Africa, holidays, birthdays, parties, friends, family, big events, little events....SO MUCH! So, I will try and do better and get a few pictures and information up soon! Stephanie :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Holy cow! I didn't realize it had been so long since I had blogged and some big things have happened!!!! First off, on January 18 we finalized Xander's adoption. He officially became a DULIN that day! It was a really special day...the court hearing was quick and easy and Xander slept right through it! We then ended the day with a BIG party!!! We had so many friends and family that came to celebrate Xander's adoption. It was awesome to see a room full of Xander's birth family, adoptive family, along with many friends from both sides. He is one loved little boy that's for sure and we feel incredibly blessed.

We celebrated a second time in February when Jeremy turned NINE years old!!!! Yep, Jeremy is a Leap Year baby so he only gets a 'real' birthday once every four years! We had a great time as I told everyone to bring gifts that were 'nine' of something. He got some pretty unique and creative gifts...9 gift cards, 9 DVD's, 9 things to take on the Royals Opening Day, 9 yards of laughter (Laffy Taffy), 9 coins, 9 hugs and kisses, 9 baseball card packs, 9 bags of M&M's...the list goes on! So, his next 'real' birthday will be a SUPER BIG ONE! He will be "10" but yet the big 4-0! We are already saving our pennies to go on a Disney cruise!

Other than that, we are just plugging along and are busy as ever! Jeremy is loving his new office and enjoys everyone he works with. It has been a wonderful opportunity and we praise God for opening this door for him. I am staying busy with the boys and constant work with Frannie's and teaching aerobics. Nate is still in preschool and we plan on keeping him in preschool for one more year. He will turn 5 in July so we will wait until he turns 6 before starting him in Kindergarten. It wasn't our original plan but we feel that this is the best decision for him at this point. Xander is getting bigger and bigger and bigger everyday!!! It is crazy to think that he turns 9 months old this week! He has been pulling himself up and is a crawling machine. He LOVES his big brother and bath time is now fun-time for the boys to play together. Oh the giggles that are produced between brothers are PRICELESS.

Well, I will try and not let too much time go before I blog again! We hope everyone is enjoying 2012!

The Dulins :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My trip to the other side of the world

It is crazy how fast time flies here in the states. I have now been home for a month and a half and I have no idea where the time has gone! A lot of people have asked me about my trip to Ethiopia and honestly, it has been hard to know what to say. My general response is, "It was AWESOME!" But really, I don't even know where to start. I have so many stories and situations that I experienced that it is difficult to process it all...even after a month and a half. So, I will do my best to share just a little bit of my trip to the other side of the world.

I left on Friday, October 14 and arrived back in the states on October 30. I was gone for 17 days and there were many days where it felt like I had been gone for over a month! We packed our days full of service and ministry and it was amazing. I did miss my family but I told the group several times that it was nice to be 'in the moment' and not be focused on other things.

When Jeremy and I make trips without each other we always slip a card in each other's bag. I found my card soon after I got on the plane and here is just a little clip of what he wrote to me. "Remember God is more interested in your character than your comfort. Please don't sit over there worrying about us over here and miss what God has planned for you. Go get your paint on, love on some kids, and keep your heart open!" At that moment my hesitation about the trip and the worry that I had about leaving my family was released. Seriously, I have the best husband in the world to support this incredible journey that I took AND to watch the boys, work, and keep up the house while I was away. I am so blessed.

I had never met any of my team and waited patiently for blue shirts to meet me at the gate in Amsterdam. When they arrived it was truly amazing at how comfortable I was around everyone. And, it didn't take long before we all realized that there was no doubt that God had brought each and every one of us on this trip for a reason. We all had a purpose to be there individually, but together we stood united. I formed forever friendships through my team and I am so grateful and honored that I was able to do God's work with these friends.

My main mission on the trip was to paint an orphanage and that is really all I knew that I would be doing. However, I soon realized that God had so much more in mind for me and the team. I spent the first week with the whole group as we visited a very poor area called Korah. We helped a new church be planted, we put together bags of rice, coffee, salt, sugar, and soap for widows, we loved on children, we visited a leper community and we put new shoes on children's feet (196 pairs to be exact)! The depth of these experiences are so hard to describe. In fact, I still have yet to sit down and finish my personal journaling from our days in Ethiopia. While I was there I 'cliff-noted' daily and plan to go back and unfold everything.

The plan was that I would be dropped off at the orphanage in Adama by myself for 8 days to paint while the others visited other villages. However, when the time came for me to be dropped off, I was really sad. On one hand I was excited to paint, but I was sad because I didn't want to leave my new family. As the team packed up to head out, I sat in the lobby waiting for my ride. However, as I was sitting there 3 of the team members came in, one of them being Chase, the other artist that had been on the trip. I was confused...I thought the vans had left so I thought maybe there was something wrong. However, Chase told me that he felt as if God had told him to stay behind and help me paint. If he did that, the team would be able to swing back through Adama and pick us up early and I would be able to spend the rest of the time with everyone. It was an emotional moment as I was so thrilled and so in shock. No doubt these were my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Chase and I busted the mural out in less than 2 days and we even took breaks to have 'tea time' and to play soccer with some of the kids from the orphanage. This was definitely one of my highlights, or 'happy snaps' as we called them, of the trip. To this day when I think of this particular orphanage and the director, Tezera, (or 'Mom' as she wanted me to call her!), I yearn to be back. I yearn to touch the children's faces, to paint more, to walk around on their soil and be in awe of this other world, and to love on the widows and the orphans.

Since Chase stayed back to help me, I was able to join the team for a 14.5 hour van ride (one way!) to the cities of Nekemte and Gimbii. I was able to visit another orphanage where I painted a blessing on the wall and held some sweet babies. If Chase hadn't listened to God I would have missed out on so many other experiences.

One of the biggest things that I learned on the trip was to be fervent in prayer. If someone is in need, pray. If someone needs to be encouraged, pray. If someone is sad and lonely, pray. If someone needs Christ in their life, pray. Unfortunately, I am ashamed to say that here in the states if someone would ask me for prayer, many times I would say that I would pray but then not put much effort into it. However, since being back I have been more aware of my responsibility and if someone needs prayer, I do it right then and there. Prayer is a powerful thing and even though God may not answer the way that we would like, he does hear us. Our team rallied together in prayer each and every day. We had awesome devotional times in the morning to start off our day and we would stay up late each night laughing, crying, praying, and just enjoying the fellowship of one another. And, there were MANY inside jokes and crazy moments that came out of our time together, which we were so thankful for. There were many emotional experiences while we were there and it was nice sometimes just to release our feelings through laughter. And, boy did we have fun! Our drivers were hilarious, our group leader was fantastic, and the team meshed like we had known each other forever.

Our trip was definitely God-filled, this was not just a humanitarian trip by no means. Our team mission was to spread the love, hope and the Word of God and that is what we did. There is nothing like holding the hand of a leper or cradling a malnourished baby in your arms. This is what Christ would do. He would not be afraid of diseases or being around outcasts. He went to where the need was and he wants us to do the same. There is a quote hanging in our church that reads, "You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving." It can be so easy to just send money to the poor but to actually walk with them...that is something that I will have forever etched in my mind. There are many people who think that writing a check is going to write their place in heaven, but per the Bible and God's teachings, that is just not the case. I am not saying that everyone needs to go to another country on a missions trip, nor am I saying that sending money to the poor is in vain, but my hope is that we will be open to the needs around us, whether they are in another country or here in our own homes and cities.

It is hard to understand this world that we live in and to know that we have so much here in the states and there are people that are literally eating trash and sleeping on dirt. We have transportation, shelter, clothes, money, and food, and there are people who sleep among feces and live on a bag of coffee, sugar, salt, and rice for weeks. It isn't fair and it doesn't make sense. But, unfortunately, there are many things in this world that will not make sense on this side of heaven. It isn't for us to understand. What I do understand and believe though, is that material possessions do not create happiness. We could have everything in the world and it will not be enough. Yet we observed and watched Ethiopian people be so content with their dirt homes, and their small portions of food. So many of them have nothing, yet at the same time, they wear big smiles and grateful hearts. Ethiopia was an eye-opener in so many ways.

One of the Ethiopian men that we met and hung around while we were there was a man named Tesafaye. Tesafaye lived among the poor and was a church leader and a 'social worker' to the community. He is a humble and godly man and was an instant friend to our team. Near the end of the trip one of the guys on our team asked Tesafaye if he would come to the states to visit us sometime. He simply stated, "That would take time away from my people." Oh, to have that kind of heart for the poor.

This trip also opened my heart up to international adoption. Jeremy and I have been so blessed by the gift of adoption and we would definitely like to adopt again at some point. However, I will admit that I have been a little negative when it comes to international adoption. Since being involved in the foster care system and knowing how many children are needing homes here in the states, I never really understood going across the world for a child. I viewed international adoption as an expensive 'fad' but I promise, I have since buried this perspective. It may cost a lot of money but to see the face of the world in your own home is priceless. To love a baby who was near death in the jungle and who escaped a hungry coyote is incredible and nothing short of a miracle. While we were there we transported a very sick and frail baby who had been found in the dirt with bugs and worms crawling out of his ears and nose and barely hanging onto life. Is this hard to hear? You bet, but this is a common story on the other side of the world. I am not sure what God has in store and we are definitely going to let Him take the lead again when it comes to expanding our family, but all I know is that our hearts are open to another child, and if that child comes from another country, then we will go.

I really wish that I could share all of my pictures with everyone here on this blog but unfortunately, my computer's memory is now limited and I have been having trouble downloading and uploading pictures. I took over 400 pictures and I know between everyone in the group we have thousands. However, pictures do not do the country and this trip justice. The people of Ethiopia are gorgeous and the country is absolutely beautiful and I can see why it is has been thought to be the place where the Garden of Eden once was. It was truly majestic and I really hope to be able to go back there again.

Re-entry into the states was definitely more overwhelming than I expected. Even though I was absolutely on top of the moon to see all of my boys, life hit me hard and fast. I felt as if Satan was working overtime as soon as I landed because my mind was soon flooded with to-do lists and schedules. I have had to be intentional and aware of making time for God and for slowing down a bit. I know the processing of this trip will be gradual and I look forward to God showing me little things along the way. It was truly an honor and a blessing to have been on this trip and to witness life in Ethiopia firsthand.

To my team and all of the amazing people of Ethiopia..."May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Character vs. Comfort

So, this week is the week that I leave for Ethiopia. The most common statement that I have heard when I tell people that I am going to be out of the country for 17 days is, "Wow, I don't think I could ever leave my kids that long!!" Well, let me just make it very clear...I don't WANT to be away from my husband and sons for that long! There is no doubt that I am going to miss them all terribly and I am sure there will be many times that I will be hoping and praying for time to go by super fast so that I can get home to see them! However, I know that God has provided this opportunity for me, at this specific time, and I am committed to it. I have never made a trip like this before, have never been on a plane this long before, and have certainly never been any place where I have had to get multiple vaccinations and a bag full of medications for safety precautions. But, here is the deal...

"God is more interested in our character than our comfort".

I recently heard this quote from my Pastor and boy did it hit me. I have had a relationship with Christ for 22 years and there have definitely been times where I have been taken out of my comfort zone. And you know what? Those were the times when I grew closer to God and in my spiritual walk than ever before. Honestly, I have been scared and nervous about my upcoming trip but this simple quote struck a fire under me. I love my boys so much and I know that I have been so blessed but at the same time it has been so easy to get into life's busy routine and forget about the eternal prize. I have to admit that I have been dry spiritually and it is time, for myself and my family, that I get out of my comfort zone. I need to be broken. I need my eyes to be open to the world around me. And, I need to experience a sincere 'attitude of gratitude'...something that I preach about regularly to my 4 year-old son.

As a Christian, there is not a certain level that is reached that indicates that we have attained our full spiritual potential. No, as a Christ-follower there is always room to grow and to know God more. We will never be able to know and fully comprehend the true majesty of Jesus until we get to heaven, but while I am here on this earth I want to strive to deepen my relationship with Him. I want to seek God in everything I say and do and if that means getting out of my comfort zone, well then, bring it on. Again, God is more interested in my character than my comfort zone. It is about what happens IN us, not TO us. I can no longer stay in my comfortable bubble and expect great things to happen. I have to face my fears, step out in faith, and fall on God.

I don't want to leave my kids, but this trip is for them too. I cannot honestly encourage them to try new things and be an example for others if I am not willing to do the same thing too. I cannot expect them to love one another as Christ first loved us if I am not willing to show them what that means. I cannot expect them to be obey me if I cannot role model my own obedience when God provides an opportunity and asks me to do it. And, I certainly cannot expect them to truly know God if I am not seeking Him first. It's a big world out there and I don't want my kids to be naive to that. I don't want them to take anything they have for granted. And, I don't either.

For those of you who have said that you will be praying for this trip, my team, and for me and my family while I am in Ethiopia, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This intercession is very much appreciated and my hope is that you will be blessed as well. I will be leaving on Friday, October 14th and will be meeting the rest of the team over in Amsterdam. From there we will be traveling to Ethiopia together. Once in Ethiopia I will be stationed at an orphanage in Adama for most of the duration of the trip. My primary job will be to paint a big mural in the nursery. I will be staying there by myself (the rest of the team will be visiting other orphanages and other areas) and I am hoping that I will have plenty of time to love on all of the children while I am there. I have already been warned that I will fall in love, but I have promised Jeremy that I will not get in trouble with the law by sneaking a child home with me. God-willing, I will then be flying back home on Sunday, October 30th, just in time to see my little horse and big-kid cowboy dressed up for Halloween. :)

"Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's out of my comfort zone I go!!!" (With my anti-malarial and anti-diarrhea medications on hand of course)!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Frannie's Card Challenge!

Hello Frannie's Friends!

When I go into my favorite craft store (Hobby Lobby) I always know that the holidays are around the corner when there are more Christmas aisles than scrapbooking aisles! And, as I walked in there the other day there is no doubt that....

This year has been really good and I want to end this year GREAT!!!!!!!!!! Some of you may not know that my husband and I adopted another son this summer! We were there for his birth and he is now 3 months old. He is absolutely amazing and such a blessing. :) And, it really is crazy how fast time goes! Due to his birth and initial adoption proceedings over the past few months, I was not able to take on as many orders as usual. However, now we are back home, we have our routine down, we are all sleeping more, and I am soooo ready for the holidays!!!!!

SO, I have a CHALLENGE for everyone!!!!! (There is nothing wrong with a little friendly competition and getting some free stuff in the process right???!!!)

Here is the challenge: I want to see if I can get 2011 cards ordered. That's right you read that correctly. TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN CARDS! I want to see if I can break my holiday card-making record! So, here is the deal...please email, facebook, call or text me with how many cards you would like to order. When you place an order and submit your payment, I will include your name in a drawing. I will ONLY draw winners when I have reached card orders totaling 2011 cards so get your orders in soon!

First place winner will receive a FREE 12x12 SCRAPBOOK-value of $400 (all you have to do is supply the pictures that you would like scrapbooked and I do everything else!!!!)

Second place winner will receive a $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE to be used on a future order!

Third place winner will receive a $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE to be used on a future order!

SO, now all YOU have to do is ORDER! And, remember, there are soooo many occasions for personalized cards! Holiday cards, birthday cards, thinking of you cards, invitations, birthday gifts, and the list goes on and on! Start making your list today and get your order in!

PLEASE pass this on to all of your friends and family!!!! :)

Two thousand and eleven cards....GO!
