Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Frannie's Card Challenge!

Hello Frannie's Friends!

When I go into my favorite craft store (Hobby Lobby) I always know that the holidays are around the corner when there are more Christmas aisles than scrapbooking aisles! And, as I walked in there the other day there is no doubt that....

This year has been really good and I want to end this year GREAT!!!!!!!!!! Some of you may not know that my husband and I adopted another son this summer! We were there for his birth and he is now 3 months old. He is absolutely amazing and such a blessing. :) And, it really is crazy how fast time goes! Due to his birth and initial adoption proceedings over the past few months, I was not able to take on as many orders as usual. However, now we are back home, we have our routine down, we are all sleeping more, and I am soooo ready for the holidays!!!!!

SO, I have a CHALLENGE for everyone!!!!! (There is nothing wrong with a little friendly competition and getting some free stuff in the process right???!!!)

Here is the challenge: I want to see if I can get 2011 cards ordered. That's right you read that correctly. TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN CARDS! I want to see if I can break my holiday card-making record! So, here is the deal...please email, facebook, call or text me with how many cards you would like to order. When you place an order and submit your payment, I will include your name in a drawing. I will ONLY draw winners when I have reached card orders totaling 2011 cards so get your orders in soon!

First place winner will receive a FREE 12x12 SCRAPBOOK-value of $400 (all you have to do is supply the pictures that you would like scrapbooked and I do everything else!!!!)

Second place winner will receive a $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE to be used on a future order!

Third place winner will receive a $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE to be used on a future order!

SO, now all YOU have to do is ORDER! And, remember, there are soooo many occasions for personalized cards! Holiday cards, birthday cards, thinking of you cards, invitations, birthday gifts, and the list goes on and on! Start making your list today and get your order in!

PLEASE pass this on to all of your friends and family!!!! :)

Two thousand and eleven cards....GO!


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